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Creation in-depth: A developing schism in Flood geology
06 Mar 2015
Can young-earth creationists continue to develop their understanding of Flood geology using two different models?
by Carl R. Froede Jr and A. Jerry Akridge
Creationists should be denied the vote?
08 Jan 2011
Refuting a fact-free atheopathic diatribe against God, by a writer who hates that Christians are allowed to vote.
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati, Gary Bates
Panderichthys—a fish with fingers?
09 Dec 2008
What of the latest ‘missing link’ offered up for fish-to-tetrapod evolution?
by Shaun Doyle
Legalizing abortion: no-one is safe anymore
05 Sep 2008
Compromise on ‘made in the image of God’ is taking us into Hitler’s gas chambers.
by Gary Bates
Viva la Evolution?
03 Sep 2008
Should Christians celebrate evolution in the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth next year?
by David Anderson
DNA repair mechanisms ‘shout’ creation
07 Mar 2016
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry highlights that DNA would be useless without the repair mechanisms to preserve it.
by Don Batten
‘Plants rights’? The latest evolutionary absurdity
30 Apr 2009
An evolutionary “ethics” committee in Europe bizarrely decrees “plant rights”. This is the logical outcome of denying man as created in God’s image.
by Lita Sanders
What the New Testament doesn’t say
11 Sep 2012
The New Testament doesn’t specifically cite every detail from Genesis 1–11; and this is evidence for creation’s importance in the earliest church.
by Lita Sanders
The Island rule—recipe for evolution or extinction?
05 Apr 2010
Animals migrating to islands can become bigger or smaller, but not a different kind of animal.
by Garry Graham
Being ‘ready to answer’
13 Mar 2014
When you know of Romans 1:20 and 1 Peter 3:15, it can change your life—and the lives of people you meet!
by Warwick Armstrong
Robots will not take over the world
02 Feb 2010
Artificial intelligence has spawned fantasies based on illusion, says an expert—machines show no sign of anything like human intelligence.
by Carl Wieland
Can the Hebrew word, ‘bara’ be translated as re-create?
05 Oct 2019
Can the Hebrew word ‘bara’ be translated as re-create and did God re-create this world based on an previously existing Earth?
by Joel Tay