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Refuting Compromise
by Jonathan Sarfati
The rapid decline in biblical lifespans
05 Oct 2021
Skeptics scoff at the long lifespans of the biblical Patriarchs. Yet, the biblical data gives us a seamless exponential decay curve that could not have been invented by accident.
by Robert Carter
From the mouths of sceptics
19 Mar 2020
“From the horse’s mouth”—one has to smile when evolutionary scientists unintentionally provide strong confirmation of the views of those ‘pesky’ creationists!
by Philip Bell
The Cal Orcko (‘Lime Hill’) dinosaur trackways
05 Nov 2018
Thousands of dinosaur tracks in a cliff?—How did they get there!
by Andrew Lamb
Christianity and the origin of religion
23 Jan 2021
Did we just invent religion? What was the original religion? Was Christianity copied from pagan religions?
by Shaun Doyle
Creation magazine
Creation magazine 33(4) Contents
by anon
Euthanasia for disabled babies?
22 Aug 2017
According to evolutionary biologist Professor Jerry Coyne, severely disabled babies should be killed.
by Dominic Statham
Creation magazine: The best option
15 Feb 2016
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Sorry, how many feathers did you find?
01 Dec 2016
Tongtianlong limosus—More feathered-dinosaur story telling that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
by Phil Robinson
A pterosaur in the Flood waters?
06 Aug 2019
What would you include in an image of the global Flood of Noah? Nineteenth century artist Edward Burne-Jones depicted a pterosaur, consistent with the biblical text.
by Phil Robinson
Wow! Communications from little green men?
05 Apr 2016
Blinded by evolutionary thinking, scientists celebrate messages from another world when it’s often a microwave oven in use.
by John G. Hartnett
Expanding the Kingdom?
09 Jul 2015
Why is the Western world becoming less Christian?
by Gary Bates