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Creation taught in school religion classes
06 Jul 2010
Evolutionists aghast that Scripture teachers say the Christian faith is true
by Russell Grigg
Father’s Day and the Christian connection
15 Jun 2014
Meet the Christian mother behind the tradition that has become known as Father’s Day
by Graham McDonald
Stone Age Atlantis
14 Sep 2009
Beneath the Solent—the channel of water separating the Isle of Wight from mainland England—is a ‘Stone Age’ settlement with some technological surprises.
by Shaun Doyle
The Lamb—and Genesis history—in Scripture
23 Apr 2015
The truth of Christ as the Lamb of God was revealed long before His Incarnation—starting in Genesis.
by Carl Wieland
Fantastic miniature space lander invented
22 Apr 2015
A complex flying machine has scientists struggling to explain how it could have come into existence.
by Wilf Douglas
Important book confronts secular gender confusion
10 Oct 2019
In today’s society, it’s important for Christians to be able to defend the biblical teaching about gender and marriage. This book helps.
by List Cosner
Is God “not a very nice guy”?
06 Feb 2021
God killed the entire population of the earth, except Noah and his family, during the Flood. Was this evil?
by Lita Sanders
Knowing Christ through creation evangelism; Link between Atheism, Communism
05 Sep 2009
A correspondent who once mocked Christians tells of the time he watched two brave young men declare their faith in the open. Their street preaching was not in vain.
by Daniel H (edited by CW)
Exploring the God Question 3. Mind and Consciousness, Part 2 (Conversion)
12 Mar 2015
Experience God the biblical way—through conversion, not near-death experiences.
by Russell Grigg
The immunoglobulin heavy chain gene family and gene duplication
26 Mar 2010
A gene family with irreducibly complex regulation that could not have been produced by past gene duplication followed by diversification.
by Yingguang Liu
Inaria, Kimberella and ‘primitive’ myths
08 Sep 2007
Be wary of evolutionary indoctrination arriving in your mail box—or stamp collection.
by 0
Powerfully attracted to the truth of creation
19 Oct 2017
How reading the Bible turned around a young scientist’s thinking.
by Tas Walker