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Creation in-depth: Dropstones
20 Sep 2013
Could they have dropped from kelp during the Flood?
by Michael J Oard
Should missionary societies have a position on creation/evolution?
16 Mar 2009
Missionaries need to face the fact that they’re going to have to tell (potential) converts what Genesis means—i.e. whether it is historical truth or theological ‘myth’.
by Russell Grigg
Oxidizable carbon ratio dating
20 Jul 2014
What is it? And is it evidence against the Bible’s age of the earth?
by Tas Walker
Answering close family on creation questions
15 Aug 2023
Biblical creationists are used to the outright rejection and ridicule so common in today’s world, but it can be very hard to deal with when it occurs within marriage.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Heredity is foundationally cellular, not genetic, and life’s history is discrete, not continuous
17 Feb 2017
A functional body plan is the key to life; without it, an embryo will not survive.
by Alex Williams
Sick, suffering monsters and the eugenicists who created them
13 May 2020
How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
by Lita Sanders
Sea Pens
28 Jan 2019
‘Extreme’ living fossils shout ‘after their kind’
by Don Batten
How strong is your faith?
13 Oct 2014
You might have a faith\nthat can move mountains, but there are some things that you just can’t do. No matter how strongly you believe.
by David Catchpoole
Deeply unethical research uses aborted babies scalps attached to mice to test human immune responses
26 Aug 2021
Scalps of aborted babies were grafted onto mice to test human immune responses to bacteria. This represents new lows in science, whereby humans are brutally treated like commodities.
by Gavin Cox
Kid Con
13 Apr 2007
Two popular modern biology texts teach evolution in a most unscientific manner, encouraging students to accept evolution without critical analysis—this is indoctrination, not education.
by Gordon Howard
Ignaz Semmelweis: Medical pioneer persecuted for telling the truth
19 Feb 2018
Semmelweis correctly diagnosed the cause of childbed fever, only to be ridiculed by the establishment because he contradicted their opinion. Today the establishment reacts similarly to biblical creationists.
by Russell Grigg
Selection for a behavior, and the phenotypic traits that follow
17 May 2013
Selection for a behavior, and the phenotypic traits that follow.
by Jean K Lightner