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Something fishy about lungs
Something fishy about lungs
by Joachim Vetter
Robert L. Dabney—a rock in the storm of 19th century natural history
A rock in the storm of 19th century natural history.
by John K. Reed
Creation pioneer looks back
10 Jul 2017
Recently-retired Dr Carl Wieland was one of the leading lights of the creation movement of the latter part of the 20th century and the first 15 years of the 21st.
by Editors for Creation magazine
Renton Maclachlan
Chinese Dinosaurs
Major US denomination ‘affirms evolution’—and more
04 Jul 2006
The Episcopalian Church (Anglicanism in America) comes out strongly and officially in support of a position that rejects Genesis the way Christ taught and understood it.
by Carl Wieland
Geological field trips
03 Apr 2018
How a fun day in the outdoors looking at rocks and landscapes can strengthen your faith.
by Tas Walker
Tweet My Face, You Digg?
24 Jun 2010
The new social networking fad might have its downsides, but one of CMI’s younger-generation staff tells us about its awesome outreach potential …
by Jason Jamieson
How do you explain caves?
25 Aug 2018
How do creationists explain them?
by Ron Neller
Finding Adam—in Ancient Egypt
03 Oct 2022
The Egyptians knew about Creation, Adam, Eve, the Serpent, and the Tree of Knowledge. This knowledge was handed down from Noah’s descendants after the Flood and Babel.
by Gavin Cox
Ark ‘hominids’ and rib wrangles
08 May 2010
Could the ancestors of Australopithecus sediba have been on the Ark? Also, what do we do about ‘Adam’s rib’, given online contradictory claims about the capacity of ribs to regenerate?
by Carl Wieland
Could the Flood have been tranquil?
06 Sep 2023
John Fleming proposed a tranquil Flood that left no trace. But then, why are scoffers without excuse? Could there be a tranquil flood any more than a tranquil explosion?
by Jonathan Sarfati