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Is Christianity unbelievable?
01 Jul 2023
When Christian radio host goes head-to-head with many leading atheists and critics of Christianity, does it leave his faith intact? You be the judge.
by Thomas Fretwell
Is the authority of Scripture only about spiritual things?
10 Oct 2016
The Bible’s teaching cannot be confined to ‘spiritual’ things.
by Lita Sanders
Comparative anatomy of the eye in the animal kingdom—with dubbed-in evolution
09 Sep 2016
In setting out to demonstrate the premise of this book, the author actually highlights many problems.
by John Woodmorappe
Is ‘devolution’ offensive to God?
31 May 2014
CMI consigned to hell for proposing loss through mutational degeneration.
by CW [A1]
Morphology and molecules in conflict yet again
12 Feb 2010
Despite their media image, evolutionary family trees are far from harmonious and settled.
by Reinhard Junker
Mechanical engineer on creation
19 Mar 2018
Tenured Penn State Professor believes in creation.
by Lita Sanders
A compromised defence of Christianity
02 Mar 2021
When compromise enters into apologetics, it brings confusion. Confronting Christianity does answer questions from a Christian perspective, but is found wanting.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts in a biblical cosmology
13 Oct 2018
When did stars explode, and how can we see their light under a biblical time frame? Are they compatible with a very good creation?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Are Maiacetus, Indohyus, and Dorudon missing links?
27 Oct 2018
Are Maiacetus, Indohyus, and Dorudon missing links that prove whale evolution?
by Joel Tay
Wayne Grudem’s second edition of Systematic Theology a disappointment for biblical creationists
19 Jan 2021
Grudem’s Systematic Theology gets a new edition after 25 years. We review his chapter on creation.
by Lita Sanders
Animals on the Ark
26 Feb 2012
Was there enough room?
by Lita Cosner, Don batten
Paying homage to the stork
18 Nov 2008
What would it take to get you to disbelieve Christianity? One author ‘puts it on the line’ as to why the evolutionary ‘big picture’ so violently contradicts the Gospel.
by Clifford Goldstein