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The Star of Bethlehem: A Review
14 Dec 2010
Rick Larson claims to have found astronomical corroboration of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. Does it stand up to scrutiny?
by Lita Sanders
Australian Christian schools in creationism row
09 Mar 2010
Many are calling this the thin edge of the wedge for Christians everywhere …
by n
Did Matthew misuse the Old Testament?
26 Dec 2019
Did Jesus’ birth actually fulfill prophecies in Scripture?
by Lita Sanders
Part 1: Culture wars: Bacon vs Ham
Why we take the approach we do.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
Creation: ‘where’s the proof?’
It’s unlikely two individuals will agree when debating the scientific evidence for creation when they have completely different starting points.
by Ken Ham
Saltwater platypus surprise!
23 May 2018
The platypus is a creature limited to freshwater streams, right? Wrong! On Kangaroo Island, platypuses have been seen ‘riding the waves’ up on to the seashore.
by David Catchpoole
Amazing preservation: Three birds in a dinosaur!
21 Jun 2014
Did dinos give rise to birds? No—they ate them.
by David Catchpoole
The man who made the wedge: James Hutton and the overthrow of biblical authority
09 Mar 2018
An author holds up James Hutton as the father of modern geology who freed science from religious orthodoxy, but do the ‘facts’ fit the ‘story’?
by Tas Walker
How landscapes reveal Noah’s Flood
22 Aug 2008
Visualizing the erosive effect of receding floodwaters
by Tas Walker
Ockham’s Razor and creation/evolution
22 May 2007
When Ockham’s Razor is applied to aspects of the creation/evolution debate, the results are clearly on the side of creation and against evolution.
by Russell Grigg
Australia’s burning mountain
by Andrew Snelling
Algae to oil
18 Aug 2021
‘Fossil fuel’ takes a lot less time to form than commonly believed
by Dr Carl Wieland