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Jurassic World: A review
07 Jul 2015
For audiences that want bigger and badder dinosaurs, this movie does not disappoint.
by Keaton Halley, Lita Cosner
Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?—part 2: paleoclimates and fossils
09 Mar 2012
Do the Tertiary fossils and ‘paleoclimates’ provide strong evidence for identifying the post-Foood boundary with the K/T boundary?
by Michael J Oard
Pistol packing … Shrimp?!
17 Apr 2012
Technology has just recently enabled us to develop sonic guns but ‘simple’ creatures like pistol shrimp have had them all along.
by Calvin Smith
Designed by the Watchmaker
19 Aug 2015
Long before Darwin, William Paley outlined the evidence for Divine design in living things, the natural world and the universe.
by David Malcolm
Creation evangelism
24 Mar 2013
The ‘big picture’ in which the Gospel makes sense.
by Carl Wieland
Axing evolutionary ideas—stone dead!
Axing evolutionary ideas—stone dead!
by Marvin Lubenow
Does God repent?
31 Oct 2015
We answer the questions: Does God repent? Is God sometimes wrong?
by Lita Sanders
Sounding the alarm
29 Mar 2012
A leading Christian educational organisation in Australia again signals its departure from its ‘Scripture-based’ teaching commitment—via widely promoted national seminars.
by David Catchpoole, Carl Wieland
Diatoms: artistry in miniature
08 Apr 2019
Tiny diatom frustules reveal God’s beautiful design
by Jonathan O’Brien
Jesus: right on Genesis!
15 Jun 2019
If Jesus taught a historical Genesis, so should we.
by Shaun Doyle
The Horner/Larsson quest: a “chickenosaurus” to publicly demonstrate evolution!
17 Sep 2009
Within five years, ‘if all goes according to plan’, will we see a live dino-chicken on The Oprah Winfrey Show?
by David Catchpoole
Communicating the truth of creation with grace
30 Dec 2019
Some suggestions for sharing the truth of creation with grace.
by Lita Sanders