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Phil Robinson
Phil Robinson
by Phil Robinson
Why would a loving God send people to Hell?
16 Oct 2012
Can God be loving and judge sin at the same time?
by Lita Sanders
How potassium-argon dating works
24 Jun 2008
Why it has tended to reinforce what geologists already believed.
by Tas Walker
Jupiter: King of the planets and testament to our Creator
21 Sep 2009
This beautiful giant planet baffles evolutionary astronomers.
by Spike Psarris
The Bright Angel Trail trackways
13 Oct 2020
These recently discovered tracks at the Grand Canyon show yet more strong evidence for a massive watery catastrophe.
by Paul Price
The beauty of the peacock tail and the problems with the theory of sexual selection
05 Aug 2023
Can sexual selection explain its beauty?
by Stuart Burgess
Episode 1: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Response to PBS/Nova Evolution series -- Episode 1: Darwin's Dangerous Idea
by Jonathan Sarfati
Moon dust and the age of the solar system
Moon dust and the age of the solar system
by Dr Andrew A. Snelling and David E. Rush
What all atheists have to believe
17 Mar 2011
Have you ever been curious to know what atheists believe? Here are three things that all atheists must adhere to be intellectually satisfied.
by Calvin Smith
How could Noah get all the animals on the Ark?
07 Apr 2008
People often think there is no answer, but there is, and a simple one at that.
by Tas Walker
Mercury—the tiny planet that causes big problems for evolution
Mercury—the tiny planet that causes big problems for evolution
by Spike Psarris
Fibre optics in eye demolish atheistic ‘bad design’ argument
03 Apr 2013
Is our eye harmed by ‘backward wiring’? No! Not only is it necessary, but eyes have a fibre optic plate to guide light through the nerve net to receptors.
by Jonathan Sarfati