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Creation in-depth: Sorting ‘early’ Homo
02 May 2014
Why Homo habilis is not transitional between Homo erectus and australopithecines.
by Peter Line
Natural selection, yes; Evolution, no!
17 Nov 2010
You’ll be amazed at how the ‘evidence for evolution’ in this pro-Darwin television series crumbles under scientific scrutiny.
by Russell Grigg
Football banana-throwing racism
30 Aug 2016
What’s the basis for the racist symbolism of hurling bananas at black football players?
by David Catchpoole
Charmed, I’m sure!
23 Jul 2009
Can a snake actually hear a snake charmer’s flute? The consensus is it doesn’t, while the Bible implies otherwise. Hence, skeptics say, the Bible is wrong. But the skeptics are mistaken.
by Calvin Smith
Millions of years?—Get real!
20 Jul 2013
Scientists find preserved trees and leaves, and say they are millions of years old. They’ve got to be joking.
by Jonathan O’Brien
Evangelicals and biblical creation
28 Jun 2012
Many evangelicals are biblically ‘spot on’—everywhere but Genesis. With the biblical evidence being so clear, what barriers do they face with respect to Genesis?
by Robert Gurney
Bees’ guidance strategy for avoiding crash landings
30 Nov 2015
Designers of flying robotic drones have tried and failed to make autonomous landing systems, despite using lasers, radars, sonars and GPS technology. So how do bees do it so easily?
by David Catchpoole
Jesus: imposter or Israel’s God?
24 Feb 2013
A Rabbi asks us to stop mentioning Jesus.
by Carl Wieland
Does the Bible trump all evidence?
06 Apr 2014
Should creationists stick with their views no matter what the evidence says?
by Keaton Halley
Ancient mutant Jamaican sea cows?
07 Jun 2008
Have they really found fossil sea cows with legs instead of flippers?
An infuriated and vindictive God?
28 Apr 2016
Were the curse of Genesis 3 and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross the acts of an incensed malicious God? A professing Christian minister claims so!
by Phil Robinson
School assignments and creation account ‘contradictions’
02 Jul 2011
Advice on how to structure an assignment on creation/evolution
by Lita Cosner, Adrian Bates