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Unintelligent Design?
08 Mar 2018
Evolution, it is claimed, removes the need for a designing intelligence of life on Earth, but this amounts to the logically absurd proposition of ‘Unintelligent Design’.
by Mike G Matthews
Scientific ‘fact’, the Word of God and understanding
02 Nov 2014
Some Christians accuse creationists of being too argumentative. Is the criticism justified?
by Carl Wieland
We are less than dust
25 Sep 2019
Everything we see is mostly made up of empty space
by Robert Carter
CMI’s response to the ‘electric universe’
16 Feb 2021
We explain why CMI is not interested in entertaining ‘electric universe’ ideas.
by Don Batten
Shared mutations in β-globin pseudogenes
06 Jul 2012
Not evidence that humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor.
by Bryan Anderson
Arguing about authority
13 Jul 2013
The use and abuse of credentials in argumentation.
by Carl Wieland, Lita Cosner
An overview of the Denisovan puzzle
28 Jun 2019
How can we understand the mysterious Denisovan people from a biblical perspective?
by Peter Line
Alien Intrusion helps experiencer to make sense of childhood ‘visitations’
08 Jul 2012
Finding out the truth about this phenomenon gives comfort to many who have experienced it.
by Gary Bates
Breakthrough in paleomagnetic measurement
28 Dec 2021
Paleomagnetic measurements in archaeological material belonging to the time of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem may well lead to accurately calibrating carbon-14 dating
by Gavin Cox
Creationist article ‘saved my favourite cow’
01 Nov 2008
Did a creationist article on supergerms really help to save a cow from an otherwise fatal illness? What should we learn from this?
by Carl Wieland
‘Window plants’ let the light shine in
19 Jan 2009
What lessons can we learn from looking at desert window plants?
by David Catchpoole
Abortion, brain development, and brain death
11 Mar 2012
Does an embryo become a person only once brain cells begin developing?
by Carl Wieland