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Archer fish use advanced hydrodynamics
04 Oct 2023
Archer fish exploits two independent hydrodynamic properties to shoot down prey with powerful water jet.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Facilitated variation: a new paradigm emerges in biology
05 Mar 2010
The first comprehensive theory of how life works at the molecular level.
by Alex Williams
Newsweek’s Gay Apparel: Lisa Miller’s Travesty of Exegesis
29 Jan 2009
Refutation of the mainstream media’s incompetent eisegesis that tries to deny that the Bible’s clear teaching that marriage = one man + one woman.
by James Patrick Holding
26 Nov 2015
What is ‘creationism’? How is the word used in the creation vs evolution debate?
by Shaun Doyle
Doom and gloom from the BBC
02 Aug 2011
Answering yet another evolutionary TV program from the BBC that promotes the atheistic worldview.
by Russell Grigg
Tiny pterosaur’s untimely end
06 Aug 2014
A pterosaur fossilized—in its egg! What would you think?
by David Catchpoole
Noah’s Ark replica attracts flood of interest
05 Jun 2011
As people ponder Johan Huiber’s full size ark it becomes astoundingly clear that the Bible story is not a myth.
by Tas Walker
Ancon sheep: just another loss mutation
13 Jan 2010
Darwin used them as evidence for evolution but they are just another loss mutation—evidence of Creation and the Fall.
by Jerry Bergman
Is God ‘forced by His nature’ to be loving?
20 Jul 2019
Is God forced to be loving by his nature?
by Shaun Doyle
Did Darwin abandon natural selection?
08 Aug 2013
The claim that Darwin abandoned natural selection in the Sixth Edition of his Origin of Species is examined and refuted.
by Russell Grigg
Answering atheist arguments
06 Aug 2016
We respond to a list of skeptical arguments against the Bible and Christianity.
by Lita Sanders
James ossuary withstands accusations
28 Mar 2011
Bone box tells of Jesus. After a firestorm of controversy, with accusations of fraud, the ossuary appears to be genuine.
by Chris Ashcraft