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Skin deep
27 Dec 2017
I couldn’t help but note your shade of melanin.
by Jerry P. Moore
Don’t bother me with your religion!
05 Aug 2012
Freedom of religion means living peaceably with people who disagree with you.
by Don Batten
Why consensus science is anti-science
01 May 2015
How consensus science, rather than furthering scientific progress, often impedes scientific advancement.
by Jerry Bergman
Galápagos with David Attenborough: Evolution
17 Aug 2022
Sir David Attenborough and Charles Darwin were both mistaken in their evaluation of the animals of the Galápagos as evidence for evolution.
by Russell Grigg
E. Theo Agard, medical physics
Why he believes in six day creation.
by E. Theo Agard
The way of the woodpecker
30 Sep 2013
Engineers wonder at the woodpecker’s resilience to head-banging—and copy it.
by David Catchpoole
Will the New Heavens and Earth be physical?
21 Jan 2017
The whole point of the eternal state is that it’s a restoration of the world to the way God originally created it in Genesis 1—very good.
by Shaun Doyle
Echoes of Eden
Lions eat oryxes and other antelopes. But here’s an astounding exception—a lioness that adopted a baby oryx in the wild.
by David Catchpoole
Are alleged alien implants really extraterrestrial in nature?
26 Jan 2021
A well-known UFOlogist claims that the removal of benign objects from people is evidence of extraterrestrial interference of humans.
by Gary Bates
Still running for God
09 Aug 2017
A woman of faith saw her salvation as a far better reward than any of her gold medals.
by Gary Bates
The genetic puppeteer
19 Feb 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David White
Creation evangelism in Japan
13 Feb 2014
Japanese churches using Acts 17 evangelism see conversion growth.
by Don Batten