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Emulating the mind of Christ in an age of misinformation
14 Nov 2017
How can Christians weigh claims and navigate an ever growing stream of information?
by Dr Robert Carter, Lita Cosner
Neutral Model, genetic drift and the Third Way—a synopsis of the self-inflicted demise of the evolutionary paradigm
05 Apr 2019
Neo-Darwinism, Neutral evolution, and the 'Extended Evolutionary Synthesis' cannot avoid the multilayered complexity of the genome and cell.
by Jeffrey P Tomkins and Jerry Bergman
The slippery slope
20 Oct 2011
Richard Dawkins has written approvingly of the ‘changing moral zeitgeist’ but this is a treacherous slippery slope where former taboos like pedophilia are increasingly seen instead as ‘alternative lifestyles’.
An eggcellent design
18 Nov 2019
Eggshell nanostructure shows purposeful construction
by Phil Robinson
Dignity, ‘rights’ and biblical Creation
29 Aug 2013
According to the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, it is appropriate to exempt a vegetarian from meat fridge cleaning, but not a Christian magistrate from placing children into the care of same-sex couples.
by Dominic Stratam
Creation’s Crustaceans
They creep, they crawl, and their skeletons are on the outside.
by Paula Weston
Can we know anything about the past?
22 Mar 2016
Ehrman’s latest book is just in time for the Easter season.
by Lita Sanders
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis
05 May 2020
The New York Times released an opinion piece recently that perfectly illustrates how evolutionists cannot live consistently with their worldview.
by Paul Price
Was the Bethlehem Star a Comet?
24 Dec 2015
This new book examines a possibility for the identity of the Bethlehem star.
by Lita Sanders
Staying the course at university
23 Jun 2013
And: Did Hitler ban Darwin’s Origin of Species?
by Tas Walker, Don Batten
A gentle answer
03 Apr 2010
1 Peter 3:15 instructs Christians to ‘always be ready to give an answer’ yet with ‘gentleness and respect’—even to atheists. Also, we update a reader enquiring about ‘mitochondrial Eve’.
by Tas Walker and Robert Carter
Could Jesus’ body have been stolen before the guards arrived?
04 Aug 2007
Do sceptics of the Resurrection have a loophole? No, their scenario overlooks both the cultural context, and requires such an implausible combination of circumstances that can only be called special pleading.
by James Holding