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Why did Jesus die?
06 Apr 2010
How evolution and long ages destroy the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
by Roger Birch
Is Darius, the king of Ezra 6:14–15, the same king as the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1?
04 Dec 2009
These two are the same king, linking a continuous chronology from creation to Christ.
by David Austin
Where are all the human fossils?
02 Sep 2015
Skeptics ask where are all the human fossils if there were really a global Flood? Are there answers?
by Andrew Snelling
Refuting Evolution—Chapter 4
by Jonathan Sarfati
Geology and the young earth
03 Jul 2013
Answering those ‘Bible-believing’ bibliosceptics
by Tas Walker
Brain split between atheism and theism
15 Jun 2013
A neurologist describes a case where two parts of the brain seem to have conflicting beliefs about God’s existence, and mockingly asks which ‘entity’ will go to heaven?
by Carl Wieland
Are ghosts real?
28 Dec 2010
Belief in ghosts is culturally popular, especially with so many TV shows supporting the idea. Some say the Bible also supports the idea. But what’s the truth?
by Gary Bates
G.K. Chesterton: Darwinism is ‘An attack upon thought itself’
06 Jan 2010
by Lita Sanders
Hundreds of jellyfish fossils!
22 May 2013
In chapter 10 of his Origin of Species, Charles Darwin made a prediction: “No organism wholly soft can be preserved.” He’s been proven wrong—big time.
by David Catchpoole
Does the Bible say polygamy is wrong?
19 May 2018
We answer: Were all Cain’s descendants wicked? And does the Bible say that polygamy is sinful?
by Lita Sanders
Critic ignores reality of Genetic Entropy
07 Mar 2013
Can beneficial mutations outweigh destructive mutations? Creationist geneticist Dr John Sanford rebuts criticisms and accusations from a theistic evolutionist.
by John Sanford
Who Wrote Genesis? Are the Toledoth Colophons?
by Charles V Taylor