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Creation in-depth: Chance or more than chance?
20 Jun 2014
Russian author asks some tough questions about evolutionary storytelling.
by John Woodmorappe
The human genome is amazingly complex
26 Nov 2020
The genome is not simple. It is a hyper-sophisticated information processing system that cannot be explained by the Darwinian descent-with-modification idea.
by Robert Carter
Robot designers want to copy the hummingbird
14 Sep 2015
Engineers look to copy the hummingbird’s aerodynamic secrets in their designs for miniature flying robots
by David Catchpoole
X-Nilo Files, 2(3), November 1999
Bob Compton
Post-truth: even in the Church?
29 Aug 2017
The high cost of academic respectability in today’s evolution-friendly churches is that biblical truth is being steadily eroded and suppressed.
by Marc Ambler
Peter Singer: ‘Christians condone murder to harvest donor organs’. Is he right?
03 Jan 2009
A supporter asks about this infamous atheist ‘ethicist’ accusing Christians of hypocritically putting aside the ‘Genesis/God’s image’ argument when it suits them.
by Carl Wieland
The blue rose
06 Apr 2020
Why couldn’t one be bred?
by Gordon Howard
Sperm wail
26 Apr 2023
The evolutionists’ cry that ostracod gametes are 17 million years old defies common sense.
by David Catchpoole
‘Missing mass’ of the big bang found?
18 Jun 2011
Do recent reports of ‘missing matter’ being found have anything to do with the elusive ‘dark matter’? Plus: how to handle atheopathic pressure on the Internet.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Is God watching?
08 May 2012
The sidelining of Christianity in our evolutionized age leads to a loss of God-consciousness and a rejection of God’s moral law.
by Dominic Statham
Comparing chromosomes and genomes
24 Jun 2011
Towards a better understanding of the types of genomic changes that have occurred throughout history in the creation model
by Jean K Lightner
Voting with their feet
11 Dec 2006
14,000 people surveyed say why they abandoned mainstream churches. They want teaching that defends The Faith, upholds moral absolutes and stands on the authority of the Bible. Many recommended creationist websites.
by Don Batten