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Subscriber objects to Creation magazine interview
10 Jun 2012
How we pick the people we interview for Creation magazine.
by Lita Sanders
Saved via aliens?
20 Apr 2006

CMI’s UFO specialist Gary Bates recently undertook a nationwide tour of Australia. His landmark book Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection is one of our most popular titles, being eagerly read by Christians and non-Christians alike. Its success has amply demonstrated that there is huge interest in the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial life and associated phenomena, and it shows no signs of abating.

by Gary Bates
The fossil record is complete enough
03 Jun 2022
Does this mean the paucity of transitional fossils is real?
by Michael J. Oard
Creation in Slovakia
16 Nov 2010
Australian physics professor at Slovak creation conference.
by John Hartnett
Dread of man: part 2—fear, hunting, and human diet
24 Sep 2021
Was the ‘fear and dread’ of man in the animals after Noah’s Flood something new God specially brought about?
by Philip Bell
The Balaam inscription from Deir ‘Alla
12 Mar 2022
Archaeology sheds light on the prophet Balaam from the book of Numbers. Explore the evidence that supports the Bible.
by Keaton Halley
The strange case of the Yum Yum dog
A museum exhibit presents as ‘fact’ a creature that never existed.
by Jonathan W. Jones
Creation evangelism at the St Louis Zoo
15 May 2018
Talking about animals helps point people to their Creator.
by Warren Nunn
Waterfall formation may not need tectonics or climate change
04 Sep 2020
It may not need tectonics or climate change.
by Michael Oard
Progressive revelation?
30 May 2020
Is God’s revelation of Himself in Scripture progressive? How is this different from the evolution of religion?
by Lita Sanders
The Seven-Day Week
05 May 2022
Around the world today, people observe a seven-day week. Why do we have the concept of a week at all?
by James (Jim) R. Hughes
A fantastical dinosaur journey
18 Feb 2022
The standard evolutionary story of dinosaurs, but full of holes.
by Phil Robinson