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Thinking about chronology
09 Feb 2015
How do various chronologies fit in the biblical framework?
by Lita Sanders
Radiometric backflip
18 Apr 2016
The discovery of bird tracks in ‘Late Triassic’ rocks once again puts a big question mark over the veracity of long-age radiometric techniques
by Jonathan O'Brien
Creation: The better explanation
03 Sep 2015
Researchers conducting origins research have no choice but to adopt one of two presuppositional positions (creation or evolution) to interpret the facts they are observing. Which is better?
by Calvin Smith
The whites of their eyes
21 Aug 2014
Hollywood’s obsession with making apes appear as human as possible starts with the eyes.
by Warren Nunn
Flood legends, and creation in the science class
30 Oct 2010
Is the Genesis account the original and most reliable Flood narrative?
by Jonathan Sarfati and Tas Walker
Mercury’s crust is magnetized
18 Jul 2012
More good news for creation science
by Russell Humphreys
Discriminatory state education policy censors science teaching
11 Oct 2013
Ambiguous, confusing, scientifically flawed, educationally faulty.
by Tas Walker
The Christchurch mosque attacks: speaking Christ’s peace, truth and love
21 Mar 2019
Speaking Christ’s peace, truth and love into a tragic massacre.
by Shaun Doyle
A sweet revelation
02 May 2018
The honey bee is a wonderful example of intricate design and complex genetic information.
by Tom Hennigan
Why Christianity?
08 Aug 2015
Why are we Christians and not part of another religion? How would you answer?
by Lita Sanders
Earth’s unique topography
14 Oct 2015
Why Mt Everest, the Grand Canyon and multiple other significant geological features mark Earth as a special planet.
by Andrew Snelling and David Malcolm
The ‘bloat and float’ ankylosaurs of Alberta
01 Jun 2024
Are ankylosaur fossils really found on their backs? If so, why?
by Andrew Lamb