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Reporting ET news can bring trouble
18 Jun 2012
Aliens are indeed a ‘hot’ media topic. But over-hyping the hype can disappoint—requiring even more ‘spin’.
by David Catchpoole
Dystopian science
04 Apr 2019
How do we know what we know? What is the role of authority?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
A new resource to help Christians answer transgenderism
18 Aug 2020
A new resource to inform Christians about the scientific and biblical arguments about transgenderism.
by Lita Sanders
The Geological Society of Australia seeks to censor creation, intelligent design and Flood geology
27 Dec 2008
But mainstream geologists would benefit by trying to understand the creationist viewpoint.
by Tas Walker
Scott Stephenson: a testimony and a funeral
14 Feb 2012
How a tragedy was used to witness to a community about biblical truth.
by Lindsay and Joanne Enderby
Daddy, don’t swallow me!
26 Apr 2010
For as long as the male cardinal fish incubates his brood—in his mouth—he doesn’t eat.
by David Cook
Tephra and inflated ice core ages
31 Jan 2020
Why do volcanic tephra layers decrease in frequency down ice cores?
by Jake Hebert
A book about human errors that don’t exist
04 Dec 2020
A book about human errors that don’t exist.
by Jerry Bergman
Origins of pathogenic microbes: part 1—bacteria
27 Mar 2020
Where did disease-causing bacteria come from?
by Warren A. Shipton
Lesson 10: To the edge of the atmosphere - and beyond!
Exploring Planet Earth—study guide: Lesson 10
by anon
‘Fossil’ pliers show rock doesn’t need millions of years to form!
by Unknown
Does phosphine prove life on Venus?
20 Oct 2020
What should we think about phosphine in Venus’s clouds? Why do all living creatures use phosphate?
by Jonathan Sarfati