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Evolution, chance and creation
by Michael Stubbs
Is, ought, or enemy?
29 Mar 2016
The instinctive reactions against suffering by atheists, theistic evolutionists and biblical Christians alike, only make sense within a biblical worldview.
by Marc Ambler
William of Ockham
26 Dec 2018
The Bible is the supreme authority in all it teaches. All else, and particularly human conjecture, is subordinate to and corrected by the written Word of God.
by Russell Grigg
Bird behaviour beliefs overturned
12 Mar 2008
How a hummingbird’s tail and a flock of flying starlings show us that there is more to birds than meets the eye.
by Philip Bell
The end of a slippery slope
29 Apr 2014
An acceptance of a naturalistic account of origins leads logically and inexorably to a rejection of the other fundamental doctrines of Christianity.
by Marc Ambler
Cryonics, the soul and immortality
13 Feb 2010
Could technology one day provide immortality? Could deep frozen corpses be revived? A reader’s question provides food for thought.
by Carl Wieland
The Humanzee
22 Mar 2018
A psychology professor has gone off the deep end with his call for twisted genetic experiments in the name of atheism
by Paul Price
The reality of Creation
21 Jul 2014
What’s even worse than claiming that the Bible is ‘wrong’? Saying that it’s ‘not even wrong’! But this is the unfortunate consequence of many compromise views on Genesis history.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Shack Revisited compared with the Bible
20 Jun 2017
The theology of The Shack as presented in The Shack Revisited is evaluated and compared with what the Bible actually says.
by Russell Grigg
Isaac Watts: A poet in awe of his Creator
04 Jul 2019
He was the originator of the English congregational hymn, which was a new genre of poetry that expressed praise and dedication to God in rhymed verse.
by Nicos Kaloyirou and Russell Grigg
Information Theory—part 2: weaknesses in current conceptual frameworks
07 Feb 2014
Weaknesses in current conceptual frameworks.
by Royal Truman
Know thy enemy
31 Jan 2015
Even though CMI’s opponents often raise the same arguments to our questioning of evolution, it’s important to re-address such objections to show we have solid answers.
by Shaun Doyle