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Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming!
10 Feb 2011
A rash of news reports creates the illusion that an open alien visitation is imminent. But what is the agenda that is really driving these claims?
by Gary Bates
The Yellowstone petrified forests
21 Feb 2018
The petrified tree-trunks found in the beautiful national park at Yellowstone have been used for years to ‘prove’ that the Earth cannot be young as the Bible indicates. But the evidence shows otherwise.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Noah movie making waves
01 Apr 2014
It’s unfortunate that this movie ‘inspired by’ the biblical account of the global Flood falls short.
by Keaton Haley, Lita Cosner
Your appendix … it’s there for a reason
by Ken Ham and Carl Wieland
A brief history of design
09 Nov 2011
From ancient times to today the signs of a Creator are clearly evident.
by Russell Grigg
What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?
07 May 2015
The Bible's positive teaching about marriage is the strongest condemnation of homosexuality
by Lita Sanders
Separating the sheep from the goats
11 Aug 2008
Sheep and goats illustrate the limits of the created kinds and the inadequacy of mutations for evolution
by Jean Lightner
Radiometric dating and the age of the Earth
08 Aug 2012
The 4.5 billion-year radiometric ‘age’ of the earth is based on faulty assumptions even secular researchers have acknowledged.
by Ralph W. Matthews, Ph.D.
Jesus Fish/Darwin Fish
01 Jul 2009
Opponents of Christian faith have parodied the ancient symbol of the Christian faith, the ‘Jesus fish’. Their creations underline the significance of evolutionary doctrine to unbelievers, which Christians cannot ignore.
by Grant Williams
Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?
30 Nov 2007
The ‘Genesis is poetry’ (Framework Hypothesis) idea is thoroughly self-inconsistent and nebulous, but also undermines the Gospel at its foundations.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland
Leviathan—real or symbolic?
16 Jan 2015
Is the creature Leviathan spoken of in Job 41, the same as that mentioned in Isaiah 27 and Psalm 74?
by Lita Coosner
Genomic monkey business—estimates of nearly identical human–chimp DNA similarity re-evaluated using omitted data
26 Oct 2012
According to the latest data, this claim is vastly overestimated.
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Jerry Bergman