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Creation isn’t ‘science’?
25 May 2019
A critic says creation isn’t science. How would you respond?
by Lita Sanders
‘Atheist atrocities fallacy’?
17 Nov 2020
What is it? Is it a real fallacy? How do we respond?
by Shaun Doyle
Wishful thinking about nature’s abilities
02 Mar 2017
Many believers in nature’s capacity for evolutionary innovation think the sky’s the limit—yet their allegedly ‘naturalistic science’ writings betray a faith in the abilities of ‘Nature’ that borders on paganism.
by Philip Bell
Blinkered scientists look past the obvious
24 May 2014
A correspondent tells of shellfish and seaside aromas emanating from limestone when broken open to reveal beautifully preserved bivalve shells.
by David Catchpoole, Warren Nunn
Many questions, many answers
15 Jan 2011
Dr Jonathan Sarfati answers questions ranging from ‘caveman’ diets to plant evolution.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The phosphate deposits on Nauru, western Pacific Ocean
12 Sep 2015
Explained by biblical history.
by Tas Walker
You believe what?
06 Feb 2010
As word of the upcoming Creation Supercamp in the US begins to spread, some surprising beliefs are coming to light.
by Gary Bates
Countering blockers and knockers
25 Jun 2019
Here are some of the reasons given for refusing ministry from CMI, and why none of them make sense.
by Don Batten
The geological column and millions of years
19 Oct 2014
Are they essential for mineral exploration?
by Tas Walker
The weird, wonderfully-designed sawfish
23 Apr 2018
From its comical snout to its friction-reducing skin, this endangered fish bears testimony to its Designer.
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Giant’s Causeway geology clarified for Earth Science Ireland
23 Nov 2014
Controversy continues over interpretation of World Heritage Site.
by Angus Kennedy
Is biblical creation anti-science?
31 Aug 2019
We respond to a number of comments critical of ‘science-rejecting’ creationists.
by Lita Sanders