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The Birka Pinhead
13 Dec 2021
Viking ‘Dragons of the Sea’ defy evolutionary theory
by Philip Robinson
Planation surfaces below the Antarctic Ice Sheet
14 Jun 2019
How did they form?
by Michael J. Oard
Fossil snakes and the Flood boundary in North America
12 Aug 2016
In trying to determine the boundary between Flood and post-Flood deposits, help may come from an unexpected and slithery source.
by Chad Arment
British Christendom
19 Nov 2014
Rather than remain true to its biblical roots, the once-thriving church in England embraced Darwin and has been dying ever since.
by Don Hardgrave, Effie Munday
Is the Bible’s historical record reliable?
24 Mar 2018
Does the Bible’s record of Sennacherib’s attack of Jerusalem contradict extrabiblical historical records?
by Lita Sanders
Is Genesis infallible?
22 Nov 2014
Can we trust that the creation narrative in Genesis is actual history?
by Lita Sanders
Is all interpretation created equal?
28 Jun 2011
Do we have the right to interpret the Bible any way we want?
by Darek Isaacs
Giving airtime to atheists?
28 Jan 2023
Why does CMI give atheists, whose mission is often explicitly antibiblical, the ‘oxygen of publicity’?
by Philip Bell
The Unstoppable evolutionary juggernaut?
15 Dec 2022
With the secular evolutionary agenda gaining such momentum, it may be tempting to think ‘it’s Game over’. But look behind the showiness and bravado, and the claims are empty.
by Philip Bell
Was the Flood global?
03 May 2022
Was Noah’s Flood global or local? The universal language of Genesis 6–9, NT evidence, size of the Ark, and sedimentary record say “global”!
Bark scorpion toxin loses its bite
05 Jun 2015
Meet the tiny mouse that is unaffected by a scorpion’s deadly sting.
by Jean K. Lightner
Junk DNA—from science stopper to sickness source
04 Feb 2020
There’s compelling evidence that the evolutionary concept of junk DNA has held back medical science for decades.
by Pekka Reinikainen