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‘Lucy’ and atheism
27 Aug 2011
Even if ‘Lucy’ walked upright, would she be an ancestor of humans? And, does science naturally lead to atheism?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
In an increasingly godless society … truth matters!
18 Apr 2024
As secularism’s grip on society intensifies, a humble acceptance of Genesis as history is as vital as ever.
by Dominic Statham
Does the new much-faster-speed-of-light theory fix the big bang’s problems?
26 Jan 2017
By invoking a hypothetical to test the hypothetical big bang, two cosmologists develop a model out of nothing.
by John G. Hartnett
Ancient cosmology and the timescale of Genesis 1
03 Jan 2020
Does the supposed 'flat earth/solid sky’ cosmology of the ancients mean we can read the Genesis 1 days non-literally?
by Shaun Doyle
Was Pharaoh Shoshenq—the plunderer of Jerusalem?
28 Apr 2020
Does the evidence line up with the Bible’s account?
by Gary Bates
Fantasia which is neither history nor science
How did millions of mammoth fossils form?
Self contradictory atheism
14 May 2018
It’s irrational to think there is such a thing as ‘free energy’ in the universe.
by Chris Smith
What should we think of new or trendy Bible translations?
17 Feb 2009
How far should Bible translators go to accommodate their proposed readers? Some important biblical principles are explained.
by James Patrick Holding
Chronological order in Genesis 1
08 Sep 2011
Big bang beginnings and days before the sun.
by Carl Wieland
Earth’s rapid magnetic field reversals
30 Nov 2014
Earth’s magnetic field decay, combined with rapid reversals during the Flood, is good evidence for a young world. But now one secular co-author of the rapid reversal papers has retracted.
by Russell Humphreys
Jumping wallaby genes and post-Flood speciation
04 Dec 2015
Evolutionists once thought that jumping genes were ‘selfish’ DNA, but Australian wallabies show they were jumping to the wrong conclusions.
by Pierre Jerlström<br>