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How will you respond?
20 Aug 2013
It’s good to be suitably armed, when you’re in enemy territory.
by David Catchpoole
Giving young people career choices
16 Feb 2015
How can a young person who loves science follow their dream and stay strong in the Christian faith? We hope you enjoy this editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine.
by Tas Walker
‘How great Thou art’ and the disconnect of ‘reality’
15 Sep 2016
While creation displays the power of God, it also bears witness to His judgment.
by Gary Bates
Fishy arms and legs
04 Oct 2010
A fish with 'arms' and 'legs' is not evidence for evolution.
by Shaun Doyle
Battle for Britain: a battle for hearts and minds
14 Sep 2010
The social decay in this once-Christian land, so clearly linked to rejection of biblical authority, offers a unique challenge—but also a unique opportunity for believers to ‘seize the day’.
by Philip Bell
Can mutations lead to new genetic information?
17 Aug 2019
An extra copy of a gene is new information, but not a new kind of information – evolution still doesn’t happen!
by Matthew Cserhati
‘Christmas Trees’ light up butterflies
27 Jun 2016
Each tiny scale on a blue morpho’s wing has neat lines of ‘Christmas Trees’, which ‘trip the light fantastic’.
by David Catchpoole
No monkey business here please, we’re the BBC!
14 May 2019
The BBC are enthusiastic purveyors of evolution, so why sack their staff when they base their moral decisions on the BBC’s teaching?
by Gavin Cox
Did something precede creation week, and why did God introduce suffering?
20 Sep 2014
Answering the questions: Did the universe exist before creation week? And why did God introduce suffering with the Fall?
by Gary Bates
Fish dislike heavy metal
10 Apr 2017
River trout have been found with amazing resistance to toxic pollutants but this turns out to be in-built.
by Philip Bell
Correcting misconceptions on creation and the gospel
13 Oct 2012
CMI’s Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Lita Sanders help some correspondents through some misconceptions of biblical creation and the assurance of salvation believers have.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Answering coronavirus and flat earth questions
11 Jul 2020
Is coronavirus the start of the end times? And if flat earth is wrong, why isn’t the entire universe backlit by stars?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter