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Antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Antibiotic resistance in bacteria
by Carl Wieland
The origin of L-amino acid enantiomeric excess: part 1—by preferential photo-destruction using circularly polarized light?
22 Dec 2023
How could 'left-handed' amino acids dominate as a necessary precursor to the naturalistic origin of life?
by Royal Truman
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
Creation for Kids: Did Jesus rise from the dead?
by Russell Grigg
Uniformitarian paleoaltimetry estimates questionable
29 Dec 2023
What assumptions and challenges call into question long-age attempts to assess the height of the land in the past?
by Michael J. Oard
‘Ice-rafted’ dropstones from warm-climate cap carbonates?
15 Mar 2024
A conundrum that provides opportunities for explanation in a biblical framework.
by Michael J. Oard
Origin of Life
Origin of Life (Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels preview)
The religion of atheism
The religion of atheism
How can we see distant stars in a young universe?
How can we see stars billions of light years away? Creation week was miraculous, and big-bangers have the same problem! Creationist solutions include time-dilation and one-way speed of light.
by Don Batten and Carl Wieland
Focus: Creation news and views 44(2)
Focus: Creation news and views 44(2)
by anon
Can Science Prove God Exists?
Can Science Prove God Exists? (Creation Talk Season 1 Episode 1)
by Aaron Hughes and Robert Carter
Editorial: Social sophistry
12 Feb 2024
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
‘Early Cretaceous’ dinos sank their teeth into … Grass
‘Early Cretaceous’ dinos sank their teeth into … Grass
by anon