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Denis Alexander’s hermeneutics: heretical, horrible, and harmful
06 Aug 2020
British bio-scientist Denis Alexander reads evolution into the Bible, but this forces him to reinterpret fundamental biblical doctrines like an originally perfect Creation, the Fall and Christ’s Atonement.
by Gavin Cox
The West
The American West: pioneers, frontiersmen, cowboys, Indians.
by Jennifer Steward
Ancient proteins and bugs, and vegan cats
16 May 2009
Responding to critics of our articles on dino proteins, Antarctic bacteria and the vegan cat. What would C-14 tests on those dino proteins find?
by Carl Wieland, Jonathan Sarfati
AI and the secular vision to redefine life itself
30 Oct 2020
Is human life getting an update? Will artificial intelligence evolve us to the next level? Removing our five senses seems more of a downgrade.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Who were the Philistines?
21 Nov 2023
The Bible places the Philistines in Canaan 500 years before they supposedly arrived from Crete. Yet, the truth is an amazing confirmation of Scripture.
by Robert Carter
Academia and the press as the bad guys
13 Aug 2021
A review of Spectacle: The astonishing life of Ota Benga by Pamela Newkirk Amistad, New York, 2015.
by Jerry Bergman
Sulfur-cycling bacteria 1.8 billion years old the same as today
28 Sep 2018
1.8 billion years have allegedly gone by but these rapidly-reproducing bacteria haven’t changed in all that supposed time
by Michael Oard
Nylon-eating bacteria—part 4: interpretation according to Coded Information System theory
01 Jun 2018
How does the creation-based Coded Information Systems theory explain the nylon-eating bacteria?
by Royal Truman
Is the Kalam argument for God a good argument?
26 Feb 2022
What’s the difference between a good argument and a bad argument?
by Shaun Doyle
Duck-billed dinosaur
27 Sep 2021
Has preserved skin, blood vessels, and bone cells
by Philip Robinson
CMI is asked what they think about Immanuel Velikovky’s unorthodox ideas
18 Sep 2021
A supporter writes into CMI with a series of perceptive questions critical of the late Immanuel Velikovsky and asks what does CMI think?
by Gavin Cox
CMI gave me a faith worth sharing
13 Jul 2019
A touching testimony shows exactly why we do what we do.
by Lita Sanders