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Poison-resistant tomcods and the meaning of ‘evolution’
19 May 2011
A skeptic misunderstands what evolution is, and what is required to make it plausible.
by Carl Wieland
Fine tuning of ‘backward’ eye is vital for colour vision
07 Aug 2017
Our 'backwardly-wired’ retina is an ideal structure to optimize colour vision.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Bioluminescence—the light of living things
06 Mar 2019
A chemical reaction allows a tiny creature to stand out in the dark.
by Martin Tampier
Follow the money … from the Templeton Foundation
31 Aug 2017
How the Templeton Foundation distributes its funds and what effect that has on the recipients.
by Rev. Jim Witteveen
The vital importance of the historical Adam
21 Jul 2017
When man’s rebellion against God is considered, questions about our first parents can’t be avoided.
by Lita Sanders
Anti-creationists: do they fear an overthrow of Darwin in the U.S.?
16 Apr 2009
More and more US states are passing laws weakening the sacrosanct status of Darwinism, and evolutionists are reacting ever more shrilly.
by Russ Humphreys
The Red Blanket
16 Sep 2019
The furry carnivore which rapidly spread across the globe.
by Philip Robinson
Hitch-hiking insects
28 Jul 2010
A parasitic insect shows clever design. Does this fit into a good creation?
by Rodney McQueen
Beneath the surface with marine reptiles
30 Mar 2009
Having completed a doctoral degree in paleontology, Ross Marcus sees no conflict between the Bible and science.
by Paleontologist Dr Marcus Ross talks with Tas Walker
The British Evolution Protest Movement
26 Nov 2014
What began as possibly the first organized opposition to evolution grew into England’s Creation Science Movement.
by Effie Munday
‘Easy meat’ for the lorikeet
14 Apr 2015
Why bother with nectar and pollen when there’s meat on the menu?
by David Catchpoole
Evidence for Creation: Intelligent answers for open minds
25 Feb 2016
Some have minds like concrete: thoroughly mixed up and permanently set! Open minds prefer to engage with facts instead of toeing the party-line of prevailing dogma.
by Philip Bell