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The origin of the Grand Canyon
04 May 2012
How the receding stage of the Flood explains it.
by Peter Scheele
Astonishing DNA complexity uncovered
20 Jun 2007
A major study of human DNA reveals that there is probably no such thing as ‘junk DNA’. This makes the case for creation even more overwhelmingly powerful.
by Alex Williams
Gladiator—an ‘extinct’ insect is found alive
08 May 2013
‘How often do you get to investigate a fossil that has come to life?’ asks one scientist. Good question.
by David Catchpoole
Bomb-building vs. the biblical foundation
02 Dec 2006
A critic disputes that a biblical foundation is necessary for ethics. The response shows why it is, and points out the real ethical problem for atheists.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Evidence for Creation now banned from UK religious education classes
19 Jul 2012
New UK government regulations now prevent some schools teaching the evidence for creation even in Religious Education classes.
by Dominic Statham
The myth of ape-to-human evolution
12 Nov 2018
Just because ape-to-human evolution is popular doesn’t make it plausible.
by Peter Line
Variation, information and the created kind
Variation, information and the created kind
by Dr Carl Wieland
The Genesis Code movie
24 Mar 2011
While it is presented as a faith-affirming Christian movie, The Genesis Code presents a flawed version of creation, and ultimately Christianity itself.
by Darek Isaacs
How old is Grand Canyon?
29 Oct 2010
Uniformitarian theories fail adequately to explain the origin or age of this amazing landscape feature.
by Michael J. Oard
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines
18 Sep 2008
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year overturns claims of great age.
by Mark Matthews
One day is as a thousand years: God’s warning to those who deny creation and the worldwide flood
16 Jul 2019
“one day is as a thousand years” is often used as an excuse for not believing in literal creation days, but this passage is actually a warning for creation compromisers.
by Joel Tay
Intelligent Design—‘A War on Science’ says the BBC
07 May 2006
The BBC’s war on belief in a Designer; Russell Grigg and Jonathan Sarfati counter-attack against BBC presuppositional bigotry and pseudo-science.
by Russell Grigg and Jonathan Sarfati