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Good design in miniature
30 Oct 2007
When William Eberhard studied the orb web-building abilities of the tiniest of tiny spiders, he was in for a big surprise.
by David Catchpoole
Freedom from debate deadlock
28 Apr 2018
How to assess arguments and make better ones
by Keaton Halley
A walk in the pArk
19 Dec 2016
The enormous dimensions of Trengwainton Garden in Cornwall—constructed on a similar scale to Noah’s Ark—are a reminder of the immense size of the biblical vessel.
by Ruth Ward
Hitting the nail on the head
25 Aug 2009
Smacking your thumb with a hammer is a painful experience! It often makes you hesitant to try again. But an experienced carpenter rarely misses, and feels the satisfaction of regularly hitting the nail on the head.
by Calvin Smith
Jewellery stores on the moon
22 Mar 2012
Raw materials are not enough to make either jewellery stores or life.
by Marc Ambler
A birdbox and a tree
by David Catchpoole
Darwinists still trying to refute Behe and still failing
26 Mar 2021
The new science about DNA that challenges evolution
by Jerry Bergman
06 Nov 2017
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
'Why do you just bash evolution?'
18 Dec 2018
Does CMI just bash evolution? Learn about both the positive and negative arguments in biblical apologetics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is the mind all that matters?
12 Dec 2019
Does the brain represent the seat of our humanity? Is it okay to experiment with minibrains grown in the lab?
by Matthew Cserhati
From a rib to a 206-bone human
24 Aug 2019
Did Eve transition from a single bone to a 206-bone human? What about the transition from molecules to man?
by Matthew Cserhati
ERVs and LINEs—along novel lines of thinking
20 Sep 2019
What new functions do these supposed examples of ‘junk DNA’ have?
by Peer Terborg