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Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels DVD review
23 Aug 2018
Although the Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels DVD has been out for a few years now, some keen creationists had still not seen it. One recent viewer explains why they should.
by Kevin Moritz
Sex abnormalities and transgender
25 Jun 2022
Activists argue that abnormalities in sexual development justify transgenderism, but the argument fails scrutiny.
by Don Batten
Nylon-eating bacteria—part 3: current theory on how the modified genes arose
25 May 2018
Did nylonase arise from mutations in a pre-existing enzyme?
by Royal Truman
Cancelling Eve
04 Oct 2022
Until quite recently, an article on what it means to be a woman would have been deemed rather absurd. Not anymore. In our post-Christian culture, confusion abounds.
by Andrew Sibley
Challenge to the churches
01 Feb 2011
What can the creation message do for churches and individuals? Well one staffer at CMI-UK/Europe, with a passion borne of having repeatedly seen good fruit over a number of years, has written the following cri de coeur…
by Tim Matthews
Manta ray might inspire new filter design
26 Oct 2020
Manta ray filter with ricochet separation inspires non-clogging biomimetics
by Jonathan Sarfati
The fruit of sin vs the fruit of sanctification: a Pauline allusion to Genesis 3 in Romans 6
07 May 2021
Does Paul allude to the Fall in Romans 6?
by Lita Sanders
Peter Crook
Peter Crook
by Sylvia Smartt
Creation in Kazakhstan
08 Apr 2008
Dr Werner Gitt spreads the message—and reaps a Gospel harvest—in this majority Muslim country.
by Shaun Doyle
Intriguing Ice-Age art
22 Oct 2020
Ice Age cartoons unearthed in Britain’s Channel Islands give insights into the lives of post-Ice Age colonizers.
by Gavin Cox
Divine design denies evolution
04 Feb 2021
To the unprejudiced, unexpectedly diverse instructions in fly embryos and recently discovered leg springs in flea beetles argue powerfully for Created design.
by Gavin Cox
Avian deceptions
29 Sep 2021
What is brood parasitism? Can evolution explain its origin?
by Jon Ahlquist