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Scientific proof we were created by aliens?
01 May 2014
Does our DNA point to alien creators?
by Gary Bates
The collapse of ‘geologic time’
26 May 2021
The collapse of 'geologic time': Tiny halos in coalified wood tell a story that demolishes ‘long age’.
by Steve Taylor, Andy McIntosh, and Tas Walker
Morals decline linked to belief in evolution
21 Oct 2009
Darwinists object, but it’s linked to belief in evolution.
by David Catchpoole
Creation in schools hits the headlines
24 Dec 2013
Humanists trying to block creation in the classroom—aided by Christians?
by Philip Bell
Where was Eden? Part 1—examining pre-Flood geographical details in the biblical record
15 Jun 2018
Examining pre-Flood geographical details in the biblical record.
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Müller cells refuting Dawkins: feedback
03 Jul 2010
Many atheopaths are reeling from the demolition of their hero Dawkins by the new Müller cell discoveries in the eye.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Lifting the veil on the UFO phenomenon
08 Oct 2012
A new age UFO investigator finds that only the Bible can explain the phenomenon. He now works to reveal the light of the gospel in dark places.
by Gary Bates
Prioritizing People
12 Jan 2022
Carl Wieland chats with environmental biologist Douglas Oliver
by Carl Wieland
Handling Aggressive Atheists
09 Jun 2013
How should a Christian respond to a hostile critic?
by Keaton Halley
Four steps for surviving evolution classes at high school
11 Nov 2020
How teenagers with little knowledge and experience can hold their own in evolution classes.
by Tas Walker
Whale explodes fossil theory
13 Jun 2018
A macabre scene played out on a floating carcass has an obvious message for evolutionists.
by Tas Walker
Refuting Evolution: Foreword & Introduction
Refuting Evolution: Foreword & Introduction
by Jonathan Sarfati