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Appendix: a bacterial ‘safe house’
17 Oct 2007
New research suggests function for appendix in maintaining good digestive bacteria populations.
by Shaun Doyle
Who needs a rest?—Day 7
by Russell Grigg
‘Soft’ gap sophistry
11 Nov 2023
Soft gappers claim Gen. 1:1–2 refers to creation of stars, galaxies and the matter of the earth, and v. 3–31 to forming and filling of earth billions of years later.
by Don Batten
Answering a reasonable atheist on deep philosophical questions
30 Sep 2012
Atheist argues that meaning and morality are possible without God.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
John C. Eccles
07 Oct 2011
Nobel laureate and Darwin doubter
by Jerry Bergman
Many arches and natural bridges likely from the Flood
23 Dec 2016
The origin of these spectacular landforms is an enigma for long-age geology.
by Michael J. Oard
Dear deer—when white ‘mutants’ have a selective advantage
28 Jul 2021
These ‘Ghosts of the Forest’ defy the odds against their survival. Or do they?
by David Catchpoole
Luther on evolution
Luther on evolution
by Paul Bartz
Evolutionary legal theories
21 Oct 2011
The impact of Darwinism on Western conceptions of law
by Augusto Zimmermann
Beavers—aquatic architects
30 Apr 2014
Famous for their dam-building, beavers have their own built-in ‘goggles’ to see clearly underwater.
by Denis Dreves
Can atheists know meaning and purpose?
05 Jan 2016
The atheists’ claim that we can find purpose in a purposeless universe requires their followers to perform intellectual summersaults and to act inconsistently with their core beliefs.
by Dominic Statham`
Modern science in creationist thinking
05 Apr 2013
As biblical creationists, can we know what God did when he created this vast universe?
by John Hartnett