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How to deal with experiencers
15 Dec 2013
Gary Bates gives some strategies for talking with people who believe that they have seen or been abducted by extraterrestrials.
by Gary Bates
Galápagos with David Attenborough: Origin
03 Aug 2022
David Attenborough’s millions of years for the formation of the Galápagos islands is falsified by the recently formed Surtsey Island.
by Russell Grigg
Molecular limits to natural variation
16 Oct 2009
Variation is the result of an intelligently designed system and not an unlimited naturalistic process.
by Alex Williams
What Would You Think?
09 Sep 2013
Surprising findings from a study on why people chose to become atheists.
by Michael Eggleton
Should I attend a gay wedding?
18 Jun 2015
Christians should show love to their gay friends by refusing to attend events that celebrate their sinful lifestyle.
by Lita Sanders
Is cancer ‘very good’?
30 Dec 2014
Old earth creationists attempt to avoid the issue of ‘no death before the Fall’ by postulating animal death in the ‘very good’ creation. But is cancer and death ‘very good’?
by Calvin Smith
The biggest dinosaur eggs
04 Mar 2020
Just how big were they, and what are the implications for the Ark?
by Phil Robinson
How the Joggins polystrate fossils falsify long ages
16 Apr 2020
Research into the huge polystrate reed fossils (lycopods) at Joggins, Nova Scotia shows that deep time is in deep trouble.
by Paul Price
The name game: scientific ideas named after creationists
25 Jan 2024
Despite assertions that creationists don’t contribute to science, the reality is very different.
by Shaun Doyle
The gospel of the Triune God: our prime concern
19 Jan 2013
People sometimes think we’re only concerned about creation, but our prime concern is the gospel.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Five things you may not know about Eve
30 May 2022
Was ‘Eve’ her real name? What did she look like? Did she know the Gospel?
by Philip Robinson and Lucien Tuinstra
The struggle for the soul of Adolf Eichmann
04 Jul 2012
Darwinism inspired Adolf Eichmann’s participation in the Nazi Holocaust, as well as his total rejection of the Gospel.
by Russell Grigg