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With no apology!
10 Nov 2008
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Calvin Smith
Roraima pollen
28 Feb 2014
An evolutionary paradox still not solved.
by Emil Slivestru
Is it God’s fault?
08 Dec 2011
How could a loving God just sit back and allow all the death and suffering in this world?
by Shane Cessna
Dawkins: ‘You don’t get your moral compass from religion’
17 Dec 2015
Who’s to judge what’s right and what’s wrong? Well, according to professed atheist Richard Dawkins, people—not God—should decide.
by Phil Robinson
How did 90% of large Australian Ice Age animals go extinct?
26 Feb 2010
Was it humans or climate change or something else?
by Michael J. Oard
Vaccines and abortion?
24 Mar 2012
A few vaccines use cells from babies that were aborted—is it immoral to receive these vaccinations?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Same data, different interpretations?
09 Feb 2013
Do we interpret data to understand the past, or does the data automatically give us the story?
by Carl Wieland
Personal attacks and accusations but no substance
23 Mar 2013
A skeptic claims to be able to present thousands of arguments disproving what CMI believes.
by Phil Robinson
26 Jun 2019
What is a liliger? Why can all cats today interbreed? And why does the Bible teach rapid speciation?
by Joel Tay
Darwin’s mentors
25 Jul 2012
Two prominent clergymen unwittingly gave Darwin the long-age time frame he needed to make evolution ‘work’.
by Russell Grigg
The Resurrection and Genesis
09 Apr 2012
Jesus’ resurrection was a historical event, and it depends on the historical reality of the events of Genesis 1.
by Lita Sanders
The oceans show us a young Earth
15 Mar 2021
Using the same philosophy (uniformitarianism) employed by evolutionists, the oceans fail to live up to old-earth expectations.
by Paul Price