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Cows: a magnetic sign for evolutionists
25 Nov 2008
Renowned evolutionist J.B.S. Haldane famously said that evolution could never produce mechanisms such as the wheel and magnet. He was right.
by David Catchpoole
Evolution makes atheists out of people—Mark 2!
03 Dec 2015
Karl Giberson’s evolutionary theodicy doesn’t stand up to atheist apostate John W. Loftus, and he abandons intellectual Christianity.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Senseless cynical censorship
17 Sep 2019
A campaign organized by the British Humanist Association, of 46 leading scientists and organizations, is pressuring the Welsh Government to ban creation in Welsh schools
by Gavin Cox
The Gospel and Transsexuals
27 Jul 2014
How should Christians love transsexual people?
by Lita Sanders
Biology, purpose, and pantheism
17 Oct 2015
Does saying that God designed creatures mean that they’re nothing more than mere machines?
by Shaun Doyle
A skeptic falsely accuses creationists of lying about human and ape similarities
21 Feb 2009
An evolutionist accuses creationists of lying, but the accusation proves to be utterly false and instead reflects badly on the accuser.
by Don Batten
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days? Revisited
25 Oct 2008
More discussion from a previous feedback about the importance of six consecutive normal-length creation days.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Water and wind gaps carved during channelized Flood runoff
27 May 2019
When were these geomorphological features carved?
by Michael Oard
Up, up and away!
08 Jun 2015
Biblical creation and a military pilot’s faith and witness
by Philip Bell
Is God a cruel Creator?
11 Aug 2018
Explaining why there is death and suffering if God created the world ‘very good’.
by Gary Bates
Saving the other patient
07 Mar 2011
Saving the unborn. Medical researcher Dr Larry Thaete sees his work as one small part of combating the effects of the Edenic Curse.
by Lita Sanders
Forced abortion and euthanasia?
27 Sep 2016
‘Bioethicists’ want to force doctors to murder
by Shaun Doyle