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Growing Opals—Australian Style
07 Oct 2020
Long-age icon created in weeks
by Andrew Snelling
Evolution’s pesky flea
12 Aug 2010
The release of Greatest Hoax showed that those who claim to have a monopoly on correctly understanding science largely rely upon invective and emotion to argue their case
by Gary Bates
The problem of the wet Sahara
10 Aug 2018
The Sahara Desert was once well-watered. How did it become a desert?
by Michael Oard
How would you answer an atheist?
25 Jun 2011
Some Christians think that watering down what the Bible says in Genesis makes it easier to reach unbelievers. Does it really?
by Calvin Smith
Marvellous moth motif
30 Jun 2008
An amazing portrait of a mammal’s face—on the wings of a moth—defies Darwinian explanations in its sheer detail.
by Emil Silvestru
Feathers—an evolutionary enigma
09 Mar 2016
The incredible complexity of feathers continues to puzzle evolutionists.
by Jerry Bergman
Pulling back from unbelief?
10 Mar 2011
Restoring a key ingredient to the life of the church makes a huge difference.
by David Catchpoole
Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?
27 Sep 2018
Do we need to ‘unhitch’ the Old Testament from the New Testament?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Is it ‘unjust’ that the whole creation should suffer because of Adam’s sin?
17 Jul 2010
One reader queries CMI’s logic re ET and the Curse; another queries our use of the term ‘long-age Christian’.
by Gary Bates and Don Batten
Rats! Another case of sickle cell anemia
by Ewan More
Coal beds and Noah’s Flood part 2
24 Jun 2015
Multiple coal beds are no surprise to creationists despite evolutionists’ objections.
by Andrew Snelling
Supercomputer to brain-storm the human brain
20 Sep 2010
Attempts to mimic the brain’s ability show just how incredible our brains are.
by Don Batten