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Radiometric dating breakthroughs
26 Oct 2022
Radiometric dating breakthroughs
by Carl Wieland, Australia
Refuting Evolution chapter 3: The links are missing
by Jonathan Sarfati
What was Adam’s sin?
09 Feb 2014
Adam’s sin: deliberately choosing to disobey God and so putting his own authority above God’s.
by Russell Grigg
The not-so-Nobel decision
04 Apr 2018
Despite Raymond Damadian’s role in the development of MRI, he was overlooked for the Nobel Prize.
by Carl Wieland
12 Oct 2011
Ancient legends from various cultures around the world all point to knowledge of one cataclysmic historic event.
by Rebecca Conolly and Russell Grigg
Modelling biblical human population growth
02 Jun 2017
The number of people alive today best fits the premise that we all descend from Noah and his family who survived the global Flood.
by Robert Carter and Chris Hardy
Bacteria ‘evolving in the lab’?
14 Jun 2008
The hype associated with this latest evolutionary claim is way out of kilter with the reality. The excitement just shows how little evidence there is for molecules-to-man evolution.
by Don Batten
Evolutionary syncretism: a critique of BioLogos
02 Nov 2023
BioLogos claims to bring science and faith together, but leaves important doctrines on the cutting-room floor in the process, including the authority of Christ Himself.
by Lita Sanders
The atheists’ creation story
12 Jul 2016
The evolutionary worldview is maintained by storytelling and censorship.
by Dominic Statham
Stephen Hawking: Is there meaning to life?
22 Jul 2012
Stephen Hawking takes on God as to the meaning of life. God takes on Stephen Hawking.
by Russell Grigg
Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 4
A sequel to Refuting Evolution that refutes the latest arguments to support evolution (as presented by PBS and Scientific American).
by Jonathan Sarfati
Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 10
Can examples of irreducible complexity be explained by natural processes, as evolutionists claim?
by Jonathan Sarfati