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Why leave the atheists out?
03 May 2016
The violence and bloodshed of the religion of atheism.
by Don Hardgrave
Did the early Earth’s atmosphere contain oxygen?
07 Aug 2015
Proponents of an oxygen-less Earth atmosphere are faced with mounting evidence against the idea.
by Michael J. Oard
Is Christianity ‘for whites only’?
12 Jan 2012
‘Racist Christianity’ is a contradiction in terms
by Lita Cosner, Car Wieland
Now you see it, now you don’t!
10 Jan 2017
Some evolutionists insist they observe evolution happening all around us while others say it happens too slowly to be able to observe. How can it be both?
by Calvin Smith
Lessons from locust wings
08 Sep 2021
Wind tunnel videos have revealed some unexpected aerodynamic characteristics of locust wings, which design engineers of small robotic aircraft want to copy.
by David Catchpoole
The Darwin Dictionary
19 Nov 2019
A satirical guide to the creation vs evolution controversy—exposing fallacies in evolutionary thinking.
by Keaton Halley
NASA’s ‘ET’ suffered arsenic poisoning!
07 Dec 2010
The discovery of a bacterium that can use arsenic is interesting, but the hype from NASA about its implications for ‘extraterrestrial life’ turns out to be a ‘fizzer’
by Shaun Doyle
The Guadeloupe Skeleton
by David J. Tyler
The evolution of a monster!
03 Dec 2014
Adolf Hitler embraced Darwin’s ideas and eugenics to justify exterminating ‘weaker’ races.
by Ed Garrett
Creation among the coconut palms
02 Nov 2016
A missionary speaks passionately of how Genesis proves crucial in giving hope despite an alarming social decay in Fiji.
by Carl Wieland and David Catchpoole
Brave warriors with words
02 Dec 2017
Communication is key when it comes to deciphering some secrets.
by Carl Wieland
Is there really evidence that man descended from the apes?
Currently fashionable ape-men