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Does God have body parts?
21 Dec 2016
Moses describes God’s activities in human terms such as speaking, seeing, hearing, walking, etc. Should we regard these descriptions as being ‘literal’?
by Russell Grigg
The Dalai Lama, the Templeton Prize and Buddhism
20 Nov 2012
The Dalai Lama’s receipt of the Templeton Prize highlights Buddhism with its beliefs of no God, no Creation, no Saviour, no soul, no sin, no forgiveness, and no salvation.
by Russell Grigg
19 Aug 2011
Evolutionists claim that biogeography provides strong evidence for evolution. Can the data fit the biblical account of recolonisation following the Genesis Flood?
by Dominic Statham
Global warming (or climate change): what is ‘the creationist view’?
03 Jan 2007
How should creationists handle the hot topic of anthropogenic global warming?
by Carl Wieland
Double-decade dinosaur disquiet
02 Dec 2013
A sneak preview from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. For twenty years now, dino bones have progressively divulged their contents to researchers who did not expect to find the likes of DNA and radiocarbon ‘millions of years’ after dinosaur extinction.
by David Catchpoole
Life is in the blood
24 Sep 2012
Blood is the transport system of the body that keeps everything alive and connected.
by Andrew Hodge
Australia’s Aborigines … did they see dinosaurs?
11 Oct 2017
Eyewitness testimony from native peoples leaves no doubt that they lived with creatures which today we know as dinosaurs.
by Rebecca Driver
The Australian dingo—a wolf in dog’s clothing
01 Oct 2014
‘A dog is man’s best friend’? But there are good reasons to beware the dingo!
by David Catchpoole
The importance of the Resurrection of Christ to our salvation
11 Apr 2020
What is so important about the Resurrection of Jesus, that without it no one can be saved?
by Russell Grigg
Faith and facts
25 Nov 2021
When debating skeptics who insist that science is all about evidence, it’s important to show that their worldview is incoherent; it does not make rational sense of the world we live in.
by Don Batten
Belshazzar: The second most powerful man in Babylon
28 Nov 2016
How archaeology vindicated the Bible’s curious claims about King Belshazzar
by Keaton Halley
Old-earth or young-earth belief
06 Jul 2016
History shows that from the early days of the church, Bible scholars clearly understood the earth was ‘young’.
by Don Batten