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Wonders of Life—Part 1: How life first began
30 Mar 2013
Professor Brian Cox argues that life can create itself.
by Dominic Statham
Petrified waterwheel
Petrified waterwheel
Does yom with a number always refer to 24-hour days?
13 Aug 2022
2 Chronicles 21:19 and the meaning of yôm.
by Shaun Doyle
Were ‘the waters above’ a vapour canopy?
14 Mar 2022
Why do most modern creationist scientists reject the vapour canopy theory? Biblical and scientific issues.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Evolution: not just about biology
20 Nov 2014
Creationists are often slammed for saying that e.g. abiogenesis (chemicals to first life) is all part of ‘evolution’. But leading evolutionists affirm the creationist claim—and more.
by Keaton Halley
Evidence for the design of life: part 2—Baranomes
23 Apr 2010
by Peer Terborg
Real tricks with hypothetical animals
11 May 2009
A university lecturer tells students all about the first multi-celled animal—except it is purely imaginary.
by Tas Walker
‘Earliest’ fossil ‘forest’ surprisingly complex
03 Jun 2016
Further study of a previously-decreed ‘simple’ and ‘early’ fossil forest shows more complexity than assumed.
by Michael J Oard
‘Oldest’ fossil shrimp?
30 Nov 2010
How is an old fossil shrimp important for unraveling evolution if it closely resembles modern shrimp?
by Shaun Doyle
Tyrannosaur ‘walking with sharks’?
25 May 2020
How could T. rex be buried with sharks in the same rock formation?
by Gavin Cox
Abraham Ulrikab
18 Mar 2013
The ‘zoo exhibit’ who could write
by Shaun Doyle
Flood Fossils
17 Jul 2014
Rapidly formed fossils, and many that still contain carbon-14, defy the conventional wisdom of millions of years.
by Gary Bates