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Grass-eating dinos
24 Mar 2008
How could dinosaurs have eaten grass, if it hadn’t evolved yet?
by David Catchpoole
Transhumanism—mankind’s next step forward?
03 Feb 2011
The theory of evolution has spawned many anti-God philosophies. A new concept called Transhumanism is emerging as a unifying concept for many of them.
by Calvin Smith
‘Living fossils’ enigma
26 Dec 2012
Gingko trees, crocodiles, horseshoe crabs, coelacanth fish, tuatara lizards, Lingula lamp shells and Neopilina molluscs haven’t changed in at least a hundred million years. How come?
by David Catchpoole
Richard Dawkins
08 Jul 2023
Do you believe he exists?
by Ellen Barrington
Life: a gift from God
23 Jun 2008
An intensive care specialist points out how doctors who have traditionally been taught to revere life are becoming increasingly caught up in a ‘culture of death’.
by Mathew Piercy
Christian apologists trip over the age of the earth … again
10 Apr 2018
A Christian advocate of millions of years of death and ‘natural evil’ before Adam is challenged to answer the dilemma this poses, namely that it implies that the Creator God is a moral monster.
by Thomas Fretwell
Uluru and Kata Tjuta: Testimony to the Flood
by Andrew Snelling
Earth is ‘too special’?
17 Sep 2007
Evolutionists propose that Earth formed by itself from dust particles colliding together. But astronomers are realizing that this just-so story requires some incredibly unlikely ‘coincidences’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Black holes and Lilith: reality and myth (respectively)
11 Sep 2010
Is there any evidence for the existence of black holes? And did Adam have another wife named Lilith?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The ‘big bang’ and other dark matters
25 Jan 2014
How should creationists respond to claims that dark matter has been found?
by John Hartnett
Children see the world as ‘designed’!
16 Jul 2009
Much to Richard Dawkins’ chagrin, even children can see that God and design.
by David Catchpoole
Genesis and the Cross
30 Mar 2018
It may seem odd for people to celebrate the humiliating defeat of their leader and hero. But the suffering, shame and death of Jesus Christ are a source of hope to Christians.
by Tas Walker