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Creation in-depth: The mountains rose
09 Aug 2013
A review of: The Origin of Mountains, Edited by Cliff Ollier and Colin Pain, Routlege, London 2000
by Michael J. Oard
CMI scientific blunder?
09 Oct 2010
Can methane be broken down into ethane? And yet another pseudogene has been shown to have a function, which further debunks the ‘junk DNA’ claim.
by Jonathan Sarfati, Robert Carter
Charles Lyell: the man who tried to rewrite history
25 Jan 2016
Charles Lyell aimed to free geology from the time-frame of Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
Steve Chalke’s ‘New Reformation’—or new defamation?
30 May 2019
Steve Chalke is releasing 95 YouTube videos calling them his “New Reformation”, but his challenge to the Church to rethink fundamental issues (like marriage and human sexuality) is counter-Christian.
by Gavin Cox
Jesus, just ‘a man of his time’?
31 Jan 2017
When ‘Christians’ argue that Jesus erred rather than question secular views of origins, yesterday’s liberalism is fast becoming today’s evangelicalism!
by Philip Bell
James Tour—leading scientist and Darwin skeptic
One of the world’s more-prominent scientists questions evolution and can’t understand why his colleagues react negatively when he raises concerns that they can’t answer.
by Jerry Bergman
Answering Grandma Mildred
01 Nov 2012
How do you answer a family member who challenges your faith? We present our response to a skeptical grandmother’s national radio broadcast.
by David Catchpoole
‘Natural’ or ‘unnatural’ human behaviour?
16 Jun 2013
Many evolutionists consider much of today’s human behaviour ‘unnatural’. But not when it comes to homosexual ‘marriage’, apparently!
by David Catchpoole
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: wrong on God, evil, and miracles
14 Nov 2020
Neil DeGrasse Tyson misunderstands the nature of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of miracles.
by Shaun Doyle
Evolutionist debater fails to understand young-earth arguments
17 Jun 2006
A young supporter asks some questions about young-earth evidence raised by an evolutionary debater. The response points out some of the evolutionist’s misunderstandings and even outright errors, and the role of axioms in the debate.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Moon’s former magnetic field
15 Nov 2011
Still a huge problem for evolutionists, but not for creationists
by Russell Humphreys
Losing ancient technology
19 Feb 2012
How quickly was technology lost after the Flood? And, what is the right definition of evolution?
by Lita Cosner, Dr Jonathan Sarfati