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The Missoula Flood—analogue for the greatest flood of all
20 Nov 2020
Analogue for the greatest flood of all.
by Edward Isaacs
Complex behaviours of plovers and storks are better explained by design than by evolution.
by Bill Mehlert
CMI on the silver screen!
28 Dec 2017
When the book Alien Intrusion was published, its message helped thousands. Now we have a chance to reach even more.
by Gary Bates; Lita Cosner
The Atheist Delusion—Why millions deny the obvious
A review of Ray Comfort’s The Atheist Delusion film.
by Phil Robinson
A classic celebrates 20 years
29 Mar 2018
Creation and Change celebrates 20 years since its original publication with a new updated and expanded edition.
by Lita Sanders
The waiting time problem
13 Jun 2022
Can mutations change an organism fast enough even over ‘evolutionary’ time?
by Don Batten
Daniel Davidson
by Sylvia Smartt
Does Genesis give us reasons to compromise?
31 Oct 2020
Does the text of Genesis indicate a short or long timescale?
by Lita Sanders
History denial
07 Apr 2022
Modernists may sneer at the idea of Genesis as history but it’s the foundation for good science as well as vibrant Christianity.
by Philip Bell
Kant’s religion of reason and the reinterpretation of Genesis 1–3
20 May 2022
How did Immanuel Kant’s philosophy affect the interpretation of Genesis 1–3?
by Martin Duboisée de Ricquebourg
Why refer someone to a pastor?
17 Nov 2018
Someone questions why we would advise someone to speak further with their pastor.
by Lita Sanders
Disagreements on the post-Flood boundary: a reason to doubt biblical creation?
08 May 2021
Are disagreements among creation researchers reason to doubt biblical creation?
by Shaun Doyle