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If God can do anything, then can He make a being more powerful than Himself?
12 Jan 2008
Can an omnipotent being make a being more powerful than himself, or a rock too heavy for him to lift? How should we understand ‘nothing is impossible for God’?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Did life come from outer space?
27 Jan 2024
Some evolutionists are admitting that it’s just impossible for life to have begun from nothing, on Earth. So they’re asking…
by Russell Grigg
Christmas and Genesis
21 Dec 2023
How does creation relate to this season? Because the babe in Bethlehem was the Creator of the Universe!
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Is the Bible ‘evil’?
21 Sep 2010
A number of antitheistic sites lurk in the darker hovels of the Internet. They always feature decontextualized lists of Bible ‘contradictions’ and ‘atrocities’, but they are not hard to refute.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Eroding ages
10 Feb 2024
The continents cannot be billions of years old because they would have eroded away long ago; there should be nothing left.
by Tas Walker
In the beginning God created—or was it a quantum fluctuation?
08 Apr 2023
God’s creation of the universe is vital, so atheists attack it furiously. But their attacks equivocate about the word ‘nothing’. Space with the ability to quantum-fluctuate is not ‘nothing’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cosmos by Neil deGrasse Tyson
05 Apr 2014
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a worthy successor—as an atheistic propagandist—to Carl Sagan, but nothing we haven’t refuted.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The non-evolution of the horse
07 Mar 2018
The amazing variety in these magnificent animals serves as a reminder that things do not make themselves.
by Jonathan Sarfati
How did they build the Great Pyramid?
15 Jun 2012
An architect shows how it was feasible, and maybe even how they did it!
by Trevor Harris
Jonah and the great fish
by Russell Grigg
Frozen frogs
23 Mar 2009
Some frogs survive freezing in the Arctic winter, apparently ‘dead’, only to revive in spring. Such design speaks of a clever Creator.
by Lawson Schroeder
Learning the lessons of Mount St Helens
23 May 2017
The catastrophic event that revealed how wrongly geologists understood and explained volcanic landscapes.
by Tas Walker