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A river like no other
01 Mar 2010
On Charles Darwin’s Beagle voyage, his geological observations using Charles Lyell’s book reinforced his belief in long ages, and underpinned his later evolutionary ideas. But modern geology denies many of his interpretations.
by Emil Silvestru
Creation in-depth: Engineering without an engineer
01 Aug 2014
A review of Evolution: A View from the 21st Century by James A. Shapiro
by J. Günter Grossmann
Why should science make it difficult to believe the Bible?
19 Aug 2012
A commenter claims that discoveries about the universe make the Bible hard to believe, causing him to feel that God is distant from us.
by Gary Bates
Is God our mother?
09 Jan 2021
Do feminine comparisons in Scripture mean God is our mother?
by Lita Sanders
Is the Bible anti-abortion?
26 Jan 2013
What does the Bible actually have to say about abortion, and what should we expect it to say?
by Lita Sanders
Can death be abolished?
10 May 2018
“Do you want to live forever?” Some scientists are skeptical but others believe in a future where, with advanced anti-ageing treatments, people may live to 1,000 years plus.
by Geoff Chapman
Does Creation make the Gospel a laughing stock?
02 Apr 2011
Most of the responses to our correspondence with the compromising chaplain were positive. Here we respond to the only one who disagreed.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
‘Living fossils’
Liquidambar and Coelacanth
by Joachim Scheven
Having your cake, and eating it
18 Jun 2020
Evolution is often claimed to explain something and its opposite, so it certainly should not be called science, rather an unfalsifiable ideology!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Winning a dumbed-down debate—
12 Jan 2016
Rather than celebrating some evolutionists’ ignorance, we should strive to educate people.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
UFOs as spiritual phenomena
31 Jul 2021
Is it possible that some UFO sightings might be explained as demonic manifestations?
by Gary Bates
Do creationists need to prove God exists?
08 Jun 2019
A skeptic says that creation is fictional because we haven’t proved that God exists. Is he right?
by Lita Sanders