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A case for rapid formation of calcareous concretions
21 Aug 2020
These geological structures form much more quickly than was thought!
by Michael J. Oard
Accelerated nuclear decay extinguishes ‘extinct nuclides’ argument
02 Nov 2007
Old claims for an old earth are overturned by new evidence and new concepts
by Dr Russell Humphreys
Smart faith in a digital age
23 Jan 2020
Smart phones and social media, though amazing digital resources, are portals for information of all sorts, some of it wrong or harmful—use them profitably and wisely!
by Thomas Fretwell
Erin Hughes
Erin Hughes biography
by anon
The majestic gorilla
05 Apr 2021
These clever, ingeniously-designed creatures point to the Creator.
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Superflares and the origin of life on Earth
12 Oct 2018
Could solar superflares have made the supposed ‘early’ Earth inhospitable for life?
by Andrew Sibley
Creationism kills people?
02 Nov 2019
Instead, it grounds the life-giving message of the Gospel in history.
by Shaun Doyle
One for all and all for one
08 Feb 2021
Or are the supposed ‘examples’ of it just a case of designed adaptability?
by Matthew Cserhati
Being salt and light in a Genesis 3 world
24 Oct 2019
In today’s world, having a biblical worldview gives us a unique opportunity to minister to the culture.
by Lita Sanders
Revisiting the Fallout
21 May 2019
We interviewed college students about the reasons why they left the church or stayed.
by Scott Gills, Gary Bates
Quotable Quote
by John M. Brentnall and Russell M. Grigg
Hybridization shaking up the evolutionary Tree of Life—what does it mean for creationists?
17 May 2019
Hybridization occurs in the wild more than evolutionists thought. What does this mean for biblical creation?
by Jean K. Lightner