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Ica stones, Acambaro figurines, and good arguments
01 Oct 2016
Do these controversial finds provide a good argument against deep time?
by Shaun Doyle
Did God create an ‘open’ universe?
02 Jun 2015
If theistic evolution is true, is God responsible for the universe?
by Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
From atheist to Christian
19 Sep 2018
Despite being part of a highly successful television show which brought him riches and adoration, this man’s life was turned around when he met his Creator, Jesus Christ.
by Scott Gillis
Fallacy: creationists can’t be scientists!
21 Jul 2015
Logical fallacies that evolutionists love to use, and how to recognize them.
by Mark Howard
An atheist argues for disbelief
23 Jan 2016
When atheists argue against creation, they mostly refuse to accept that they are taking an evolutionary faith position.
by Calvin Smith
What happens when speculative science and questionable exegesis collide
13 Oct 2011
What happens when speculative science and questionable exegesis collide.
by Lita Sanders
The Red Sea Crossing: can secular science model miracles?
02 Feb 2018
Can secular scientists really investigate the parting of the waters that allowed the Israelites to escape the Egyptians?
by John K. Reed and Carl R. Froede Jr
“Change” is not Evolution; and: Could so many Israelites have crossed the Red Sea?
03 Oct 2009
Could the Israelites leaving Egypt have really made it across the Red Sea in just a day?
by Don Batten and Lita Cosner
The Colugo Challenge
25 Jun 2012
Perfectly fit for its life in the trees, the colugo just doesn’t ‘fit’ into the evolutionary ‘tree of life’
by David Catchpoole
Half a billion years … and still soft!
04 Aug 2014
Pre-Cambrian fossils of marine worms have their original tissue. Similarly for bacteria that feed on them.
by David Catchpoole
My pastor’s don’t believe in Genesis
15 Nov 2014
Should I leave my church?
by Tas Walker
The caring Neandertal
13 Jan 2016
The portrayal of a Neandertal as a human-like, dim-witted creature is stripped away when the facts are examined.
by A.J. Monty White