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The goodness of God
10 Dec 2018
Most don’t think about the goodness of God, but this important doctrine can revolutionize our faith.
by Lita Sanders
Islam, testimony, and the Trinity
27 May 2012
Refuting Islamic criticisms of the Trinity, and the difference between Islamic and Christian conversion testimonies.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Bridges and bones, girders and groans
20 Jun 2023
If your leg bones were made of metal—even the finest space-age alloys— ordinary walking would eventually cause them to fatigue and break. Why doesn’t this happen with bones?
by Carl Wieland
Religion, Science, Philosophy And How Each Interfaces In The Noah Flood Account
28 May 2013
If atheists were to argue their case with a creation-savvy philosopher, they would lose!
by John Leslie
Genetic entropy: The silent killer
30 Nov 2020
A devastatingly powerful argument against evolution
by Paul Price
A candid admission
31 May 2012
The real issue behind the creation/evolution battle over origins.
by David Catchpoole
The frightful level of thought control in American academia
15 Mar 2013
A review of Free to Think: Why Scientific Integrity Matters by Dr Caroline Crocker.
by John Woodmorappe
Sleeping with the enemy
02 May 2013
Will teaching our children that the Bible means what it plainly says cause them to fall away from the faith? Some Christians say ‘yes!’
by Calvin Smith
A pathetic case for an old earth
06 Feb 2009
Compromising author barely attempts to make the case of the title, arguing more from ‘science’ than Scripture. Snoke is also decades out of date in his understanding of real creationist arguments.
by Lita Sanders
Bighorn horns not so big
09 Dec 2020
Much to trophy-hunters’ disappointment, bighorn sheep on Ram Mountain are not what they were. But is it evolution?
by David Catchpoole
The Good Dinosaur: A review
28 Nov 2015
What if dinosaurs and humans lived together? This movie gives an evolutionary view.
by Lita Sanders
Evangelical wing of major Aussie church promotes ‘peace with evolution’
13 Oct 2006
The Sydney Anglicans are rightly respected for their stand on biblical authority. But a recent affiliated publication calls for seeing Genesis as ‘figurative’.
by Tas Walker