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Medieval artists saw extinct reptiles: more evidence
13 Jan 2020
Comparisons between modern and medieval artists show ancient peoples saw 'extinct' reptiles and dinosaurs
by Brian Thomas
Created to be inhabited
20 May 2013
An amazing number of special conditions have come together on Earth making it incredibily suitable for life.
by Mark Harwood
Racial mixing is perfectly biblical!
07 Apr 2020
Racial intermarriage is perfectly acceptable. We completely repudiate the racist claims of the ‘Christian Identity’ movement.
by Matthew Cserhati, Robert Carter
Continental-scale erosion
08 Sep 2014
Evidence of runoff from Noah’s Flood
by Michael J Oard
25 Oct 2023
Comprehensive article about a famous alleged transition form, from the very first issue of Creation magazine by its founder, has stood the test of time.
by Dr Carl Wieland
More problems for the ‘Oort comet cloud’
Since it cannot be detected, the Oort cloud is not a scientific concept.
by Danny Faulkner
Australia’s remarkable Red Centre
25 May 2021
Reveals compelling evidence of the cataclysmic global Flood of Noah’s day.
by Tas Walker
How could Noah care for the animals?
20 Apr 2009
Like Noah, farmers in northern Europe keep their animals inside for months at a time.
by Harrie Tjoelker
Creative design in the human embryo
18 Jun 2014
The astonishing way a human develops in a mother’s womb speaks of incredible design rather than of any claimed evolutionary ancestry.
by Gary Parker
How does God relate to time?
02 Jul 2022
God has no beginning or end, but what does that mean for how He relates to time?
by Shaun Doyle
The New Pluto
02 Nov 2015
As scientists digest information from Pluto, it’s obvious the planet is young and defies long-age expectations.
by David Coppedge
Amazing armoured armadillos of the Americas
05 Apr 2017
This mammal with a leathery armour was once rare in Texas, but its ‘conquest’ of that state—and beyond—conveys a strong message.
by Lael Weinberger